
Law Offices of Peter V Lathouris LLC 

Non-Compete Agreements in Connecticut

In the business world, protecting your company's interests is paramount. One way to safeguard your business is through non-compete agreements. These legal contracts restrict employees from entering into similar professions or starting a competing business within a specific geographical area and for a certain period after leaving your company.
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Law Offices of Peter V Lathouris LLC

Your Rights When Buying a Home “As Is”

Buying your first home can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially when considering an "as is" property. These homes often seem like a great deal, but they come with their own set of risks and rewards.
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Law Offices of Peter V Lathouris LLC 

The Importance of Shareholder Agreements for Corporations

When forming a corporation, you may be unsure how to face the amount of documentation you need to prepare to set your business in motion. These documents may include corporate bylaws, articles of incorporation, and shareholder agreements.
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Law Offices of Peter V Lathouris LLC

Selling the Home Amidst a Divorce

Selling your home amidst a divorce is more than just a transaction. The memories attached to every corner of the house can make it difficult for both partners to let go. We get it. The whirlwind of emotions you are likely to experience when considering what to do with your marital home during a divorce can be too overwhelming.
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Law Offices of Peter V Lathouris LLC 

What to Do When the Appraisal Comes in Below the Sale Price

When you're near the end of a real estate transaction, an appraisal that isn't what you expected or hoped for can be disappointing or even frustrating. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, an experienced investor, or venturing into the world of property selling, understanding the appraisal process is crucial in buying or selling your property.
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Law Offices of Peter V Lathouris LLC

Understanding Connecticut’s Unfair Competition Law

Connecticut's Unfair Competition Law serves as a crucial safeguard for maintaining a level playing field in the business landscape of the state. Designed to protect both businesses and consumers, it prohibits deceptive business practices, fostering fairness and integrity in the marketplace.
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Law Offices of Peter V Lathouris LLC

Is a Title Review Important in a Real Estate Transaction?

A title review plays a pivotal role in any real estate transaction and serves as the heartbeat of the due diligence process. This process confirms that the seller of the property is the owner and identifies possible issues with ownership.
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Law Offices of Peter V Lathouris LLC

What You Need to Know About Tortious Interference

Healthy competition among businesses is permitted in Connecticut. Generally, this has show to help motivate businesses and drive them towards achieving their goals. At the same time, individuals and businesses must respect existing formal agreements, business, or contractual relationships between one company and the other.
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Law Offices of Peter V Lathouris LLC

What Must a Seller Disclose About Property Defects?

Buying or selling a home is an exciting event. However, you’ll want to know what a seller must disclose about a home in either situation. If you’re selling a home, you could face legal action if you do not disclose property defects to a potential buyer.
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