What Are the Pros and Cons of Continuing Remote Work After the Pandemic?
Although most cities have lifted lockdowns and many people are returning to their pre-COVID lifestyles, working from home is still an extremely popular choice among the American workforce. Many businesses were forced to allow remote work due to concerns over transmitting the virus. However, some business leaders are choosing to continue remote work for the indefinite future. Remote work offers advantages and disadvantages. If you are an employer and you are considering expanding work-from-home opportunities, it is important to be aware of the legal and practical issues that may arise.
Should I Let Employees Work from Home?
According to a recent survey, over half of the U.S. workforce was working from home in January of this year. Many of these workers say that they would like to continue working from home after the pandemic has passed. Working remotely certainly has many perks for employees, but is it always the best option for employers? As with any business decision, what is right for your particular situation will depend on your unique needs and goals. Do your employees need to frequently collaborate with each other or can most of their work be accomplished on an individual basis? Do employees need access to specialized tools, equipment, or software that would be difficult for them to have at home? Will switching to remote work allow you to cut down on office space expenses and overhead costs?